Foundation Inspections

For homeowners concerned about the integrity of their property, a home foundation inspection is an essential step. Grace Foundation Solutions provides thorough house foundation inspection services to ensure your home’s safety and stability. Their expertise in foundation inspection extends to all types of properties, including residential and commercial buildings. With a focus on detail, their building foundation inspection process involves a comprehensive assessment of the foundation’s condition, identifying any potential issues before they become major problems. Whether it’s a home foundation inspection or a building foundation inspection, Grace Foundation Solutions delivers reliable and insightful evaluations, offering peace of mind to property owners.

When Do You Need a Foundation Inspection in New Zealand?

Understanding when to request a professional foundation inspection is crucial for safeguarding the stability of your home’s structure.

Key situations to consider getting a foundation inspection in New Zealand:

When You Notice a Problem. When You Notice a Problem: If you spot unusual signs like an uneven floor, wall cracks, malfunctioning doors, or other concerning issues, it’s essential to have your foundation inspected by professionals. 

Before buying a New Home. Prior to purchasing a new property, a thorough foundation inspection is wise to identify any existing issues or potential risks. 

Before selling a home. To ensure a smooth selling process, consider getting a foundation inspection before listing your home on the market. 

After Natural Disasters. Following events such as floods, landslides, or earthquakes, it’s crucial to assess any potential damages through a comprehensive foundation inspection.

After Impact Events. If your house experiences a significant impact, like a fallen tree or an accident, a foundation inspection can reveal any resulting structural damage. 

As part of regular maintenance. To prevent major foundation problems and costly repairs, schedule routine foundation inspections and perform maintenance as needed.

Our Foundation Inspections Process in New Zealand:

During our foundation inspection process, we’ll inquire about specific problems you’ve noticed, guiding the need for an inspection.

Our professional inspectors will then conduct a thorough visual examination of your home’s foundation, inside and out, to address vital questions:

Has there been any movement in the foundation?

Are there signs of differential settlement?

How effective is the foundation’s drainage?

If there’s a crawl space, what’s its condition? Is there water, visible mould, or wood rot?

Most foundation inspections typically take 1-2 hours to complete. If issues are detected, we’ll provide a detailed report outlining the problem’s nature, recommended repairs, and a cost estimate.

How Much Does a Foundation Inspection Cost?

In New Zealand, our foundation inspections are typically provided free of charge, except when a home is on the market or in escrow. In such cases, specialised reports and additional resources are required, leading to a fee for the inspection service.

DIY vs. Hiring a Professional Foundation Inspection

While a DIY homeowner foundation inspection may not be as comprehensive as a professional one, it can still be valuable in spotting early signs of foundation problems. Early detection can significantly reduce repair costs. As a homeowner, being aware of common signs of foundation issues and watching for suspicious indicators is crucial. If you notice anything concerning, don’t hesitate to contact us for a professional inspection.

Common Signs of Foundation Problems?

Common signs of foundation issues include cracks in walls, floors, and ceilings, malfunctioning doors and windows, uneven floors, stair-step cracks in brick or masonry, and other visible structural abnormalities. For more detailed information on identifying signs of foundation damage, refer to our guide on “Signs and Symptoms of a Settled Foundation.”

How we perform foundation inspections.


One of our knowledgeable inspectors will draw a scaled diagram of the home and take floor elevation measurements after thoroughly inspecting the property inside and out.


We only move to step two if an issue with the foundation is found during the inspection. Our inspector will design a repair plan specific to the property and the issues facing it. They’ll then provide you with a scaled CAD drawing of your home, a full report on the findings, and a suggested repair plan based on those findings will be provided.


We will engage any other professionals that maybe required, such as Geotech and or council and complete to plan.

Are you ready to learn more about what’s happening with your property’s foundations?